Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Annie is 4!

HAPPY to you ANNIEKANS!!! We love you. Yesterday April 27, 2010 was the day our sweet floppy eared beagle was born. She is the runt of six, her mommy Ramsey and douche-dad Copper were neighbors to Jon's parents house in S. Ogden. Their owners wanted to have a litter of puppies and give them away (free) to friends and family. Jon was allergic to animals, and was out of the question at the time. I still persisted and he finally gave in to my nagging and we tested it out.
We went to see the puppies and immediately I saw the puppy to make us a family. She had a diamond on the back of her neck and I fell in love right away. When they were finally ready to come home, Josh and Jenn (Jon's brother and his wife) took one. His name is Kirby after Kirby Puckett. I was so envious, but Jon sacrificed his health to test it out. So we did. She came to our house June 9, 2006. We had a rough first week adjusting but she molded into our family. And molded her way into her daddy's heart. In fact we went up to his parents house the other day and we agreed to have her stay at home, as I was getting the baby ready and headed out to the car, there was Annie ready to go to Gma and Gpa's house. He's a sucker for her sad puppy face. It is sooo sweet.
Thanks Annie for letting us understand how to love unconditionally!

1 comment:

The Kaspers of Logan said...

Your title should have been, "The whore is four!" It rhymes :) Happy B-day to the BEAGLES!