Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Catherine is Nine 1/2 weeks (not like the movie)!

Little Catherine had her two month shots last friday. She was not a happy girl. She hasn't really been a happy girl for the past two weeks. When she is not held, she cries, when she's hungry she cries. When she's tired she fights sleep so much she cries. I thought having little Grace in my life would teach me a little bit about mommyhood, and it did, but she has never slept over. This is now a permanent sleepover, and a NO-Sleep-over for mommy and daddy.

Don't get me wrong. I love her with all my heart, but nothing can prepare you for all the little things that go along with it. It's a HUGE adjustment, to say the least. I love her smile and I'm beginning to love her tears because that gives me a chance to make it better for her. This is a huge learning experience. My family has been an amazing help. Jon was out of town a week ago, and I stayed with my mom, to keep my sanity my mom ordered me to let her watch the baby and me go to the movie with my sister. It was exactly what I needed. But then I came home and my poor mom cuddled with the baby all night. It was rough for her. :)
She has been a little colicky, and it seems that we have been getting over it. Everyday is a new day, a gets a little better. And having re-occurring post-partum depression hasn't helped. But it was hard to ask for help, and seek out help but it was the best thing I could have done. It's nice to know that I am not the only one out there with this, and that every day gets a little better. It's sure does.

Thanks to the help of my amazing husband and being my sounding board. I am surely lucky to have him. He even gets to have the puke and pee moments that Catherine gives him. He sacrifices his clean clothes for the betterment of mommy. Thanks honey!
So I decided this past week to change things up a bit and do pics of Catie in her Dallas Cowboys outfit Shelley Harper (fellow Cowboy fan) from Altitude sent us. They turned out too cute.

We are truly blessed and this is what keeps me going everyday. It does take a village to raise a child.


Steph and Jeff said...

Catherine is so beautiful. I am so happy for you guys. Jeff and I will have to come see you sometime. I hope everything is going great.

Amy said...

Love the football pics, so darling, I can't believe she is that old!