Sunday, May 2, 2010

Catherine's smiles...part 2!

So we have an angel among us. Her name is Catherine, she is so amazing. Everyday she does something that amazes me. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful little girl. She loves her daddy. He will come in a room and she just lights up, she also loves her mommy. Here is a video of her smile and talking back to me this morning.


Tanya Layne said...

She is just too Cute!

Luke and Erin said...

so cute!

The Kaspers of Logan said...

I think she wants to play with Auntie Nee! Your last comments on our blog brought a tear to my eye. You guys are great, don't look up to me... I'm taking life day by day just like you. Today was kind of a lonely one... Josh was at work all day and baby was grumpy. Wish we lived a little closer. Just hope for a better day tomorrow. Love you guys!