Sunday, March 21, 2010

My delivery of an Angel!

So, it's about time that I tell the story of my sweet little girl, and how she entered into this world. Yesterday marked one month since her birthday, to the day. It was quite an experience. But I am so happy for a healthy beautiful girl.
So here it is, it was the week of February 14. That Tuesday, I went in for my 37 week appointment, and did the regular weigh in and BP check. I noticed that since the last check up which was 1 week and a half before that I had gained 15 lbs. I was checked out and the baby looked great, but my Dr. was concerned about my drastic increase in weight, and how swollen I was. I looked like a cherry basically. So with bloodwork ordered, and my Dr. advising me to go on bedrest, I was told to come back in on Friday that same week to get another PIH panel to observe my new diagnosis of PIH and preeclampsia.
I went in Friday, after bedrest and taking work off that week, I did nothing but watch VH1 reruns, and movies on demand. I did the usual UA, and then went to the lab for my blood to be drawn. Next thing I knew I was in being on the contraction monitor and what I was told was going to be 20 minutes on the monitor, was almost two hours and my Dr. coming in to tell me that I was going to have a baby. She said that the variability looked bad and that my baby wasn't very active and needed to head straight to the hospital to be put on the monitor and possibly have a baby.
With my stress level, at it's peak, Jon and I ran home to grab a bag for me and the baby. We headed to Labor and Delivery and after being put on the monitor it wasn't as bad as they thought. But with the weight gain and the scare in the Dr.'s office, they decided to keep me and induce me into labor.
So, we were having a baby, but not until 16 hours later. With various tries to help thin my cervix and have the baby come down further, there was no change. I only got to a 4 centimeters and 90 percent. With no progression, I was going under the knife for a C-Section. Baby C's heart rate was rising, and that was the only option. Within a matter of 40 minutes, she was out. I heard my little angel cry the first time at 11:00 am, February 20, 2010.
Everything worked out for the best, and I do believe that the hand of God was in place, helping me and Baby C's health. I am very grateful for the strength of the Dr.'s and nurses and their knowledge to act quickly and give great care.
So here she is, her first picture.
So welcome to the world sweet Catherine. We love you! Keep reading, I have a lot of posting pictures to post!

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