Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Introducing the newest Kasper...

Here she is ladies and gentlemen.

Catherine Rula Jean Kasper

February 20, 2010
11:00 am
7 lb 10 oz     20 in 

More details and pictures to come. Check back like tomorrow sometime. I am making a novel of how she arrived into this world, it will be worth it.


BookwormMom said...

Kenz, she's beautiful!!!

Kristen said...

Congrat's! She is so cute. Have fun with her.

The Kaspers of Logan said...

I can't wait for the novel! Way cute picture. She is smirking :)

Cheri said...

She is SO CUTE!!!!! I can't wait for the "novel". Enjoy yourself - work is crazy :)

Christy C. said...

She is adorable. Congrats!