Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dear sweet Catherine,

So here we are. Together, you and me, 37 weeks to the day. Today your daddy and I got a great picture of your sweet face. And you have your daddy's chin. This whole thing is just so exciting. We can't wait for you to get here so we can look at you everyday, moment, all the time. Today the Dr. said I was gaining weight rapidly and are in the beginning stages of PIH. (I will tell you later in life what that means.) She thinks it would be a good idea to put me on bedrest, but I told her I would take it easy over the next few days and see if the swelling goes down. But whatever I need to do, I will, because I love you and always will. You are worth every moment of back pain, sciatica pain, weight gain and every stretch mark I now have on every inch of my belly.
Your daddy has sure been wonderful. I come home from a long night at work, and the first thing he does is put his hand on my belly and tells you how much he loves you and how he can't wait to see you and hold you. He even bought us a new video camera to remember your sweet beginnings in life. Thanks so much dad, you're the best.
Your little puppy, Annie, is aware that something is about to change. She sleeps right by you every night, she feels your kicks and sometimes she gets frustrated that you won't just let her sleep. I think that you two will be the best of friends. She is a great dog, and a very concerned one too. She will protect you from that mean mailman that comes everyday. And, she probably will wake you up in the meantime.
Well, I get the best part. To feel your every move. To have this bond with you is something I will always have. You have already given me so much happiness and joy, and pain, but that's ok. Right now, we are one, you go where I go, you get to listen to me at good times and bad, and I get to feel your little body move and respond in ways only a mother can experience. I feel so blessed and lucky to have this experience with you, because a lot of women wanting to be mom's can't have this chance. So I thank God everyday for your health and strength, and mine as well. And you are getting so strong, my ribs are feeling it right now.
I just wanted to let everyone know how excited I am and can't wait to experience motherhood.
Your Nana, lets me know that it won't be easy, but it will be the best thing in my life. Oh, and your Nana, she is an amazing woman. That is why we are naming her after you. I hope that you inherit her strength and love for others. She will bring so many smiles to you, I can't wait to see your face light up when you see her. I can't wait for you to meet her, as she can't wait either.
So many people love you already, so there will be a lot of loves and hugs for you for your lifetime. But from your mommy and daddy, there will be many, many more of loves and hugs for an eternity.
Some day I will share this with you, and you can look back on this and know how your life started. Until then, give our loved ones hugs and kisses up in heaven for us. Your Grandma Cathy is probably telling you stories of your daddy, and your Grandma and Grandpa Waite, I'm sure are singing you a sweet song, like "When the Moon comes over the mountain", or "Fuzzy Catepillar."

We love you! Can't wait to meet you and hold you and love you forever!



Toni Marie said...

so sweet!

Miss Candace said...

Kenzie, that is so sweet. Motherhood really is such an amazing thing. Thanks for reminding me how blessed I am. You are going to be one amazing mom.

The Kaspers of Logan said...

TEAR...You will do great. Good luck with everything tonight. Little Catherine will be here soon! See you tomorrow.