Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 35...almost there!

So we had the start of our weekly Dr. visits today. This is where we start going in every week to be checked for dilation, and other fun stuff. Today though, we got to test out their new Ultrasound machine. It was so crisp and clear, and we even got to see her hair. And it shows a lot of it too. Catherine had her hand over her face, again, so we didn't get a good 3D picture, but it's still amazing that we get to see so many details every visit. I am so blessed. I am so happy and grateful that everything looks good. She is doing great, and she is measuring about 1 week and a half ahead of schedule and my Dr. thinks that she is going to be well over 8 lbs. Yeah for me, and episiotomy here I come! :)
I haven't been able to sleep, at all. But as long as she is healthy, that's all I care about.  I think this is getting you ready for the months to come with the sleepless nights.
She is continually moving in my belly and the bond has already started. It's getting real for the both of us, Jon and myself. Even Annie suspects something is going to change.
Just a few more weeks. I will keep you posted!!!


Jaynee said...

oh... this is such an exciting time! we only ever had the one sonogram so we were kinda flying blind so to speak. and you'll be fine with an 8 pounder. it's the 9 pounders that cause some pain, i would think!

jon said that you're not getting much sleep at night... god, i remember that. back hurt, legs hurt, hips hurt.... blah. keep drinking plenty of water and sleep when and if you can. i also highly recommend one last maternity massage.... hit New Image. totally awesome.

you'll do great and i'm excited for all four of you (yes, even annie).

take care!

The Kaspers of Logan said...

If you do some kegels, you might not need the episiotomy.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Time has sure flown! We are so happy for you guys, congrats! We can't wait to see pictures of the new little Kasper! As for the episiotomy, not to worry! Do your kegals and (I'm not trying to be gross) massage the area. I tore anyways, but it just goes with the territory! Good luck and keep us posted:)

Amy said...

How exciting! good luck with everything girl! and love the nursery bTW