Sunday, January 24, 2010

Catherine's nursery revealed...

Catherine's own room. Looks like Annie's making her self right at home already. She's getting ready!

Annie new sleeping spot.

Corner view, still have to do a little organizing, and finish the frames for her name above the crib.

When we found out we were pregnant I imediatley thought that I wanted a moon and star themed nursery.  My sister Mer found this crib set and room set and I fell right in love. So the painting and everything in the room is based around this pattern. Thanks Mer!

With the crib set, we got matching shelves. So cute. I think it makes the room cozier.

A couple weeks ago, during the Christmas break. Jon and I decided to get the nursery started. A million thanks to our family, for coming down to help. Josh, Jenn, Kaleb and Kirby came down from Logan, on their week off to come and help paint. Thanks so much Kasper's of Logan.
It was awesome, we got it done so fast with many hands. My sister and Grace also came over to help as well. My Mom has been awesome, even though she can't do a lot of hard labor, she and my sister came over the other day to put finishing touches on the room and decorate it.
Thanks to everyone for helping, we are so lucky to have such good family to come and help in time of need.


Kristen said...

You have done a great job with her room. I am sure she will love it.

UtahWarehouse said...

It is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to meet the new little one. I am sure she is going to be a cutie!

BookwormMom said...

It turned out beautiful!

Toni Marie said...

yea! it looks adorable! can't wait to see the room and your little girl :)

The Kaspers of Logan said...

Little Catherine's room is turning out so cute! You are more motivated than I am! I don't know what's more exciting... the room or that you finally posted! Please don't let Annie sleep in the crib once the little one is here!