Thursday, April 15, 2010

Smiles from a baby named Catherine

So little Baby C has started to smile. The only time is in the morning, on her changing table. She LOVES to look around and look at the lights. And also stare at whoever is changing her, which is probably me, (sorry Jon). But she loves her daddy's voice. She love to look at him, and also talk back to him. So I captured a few smiles on camera, she is too cute.


mitchclan said...

So stinkin' cute! Don't you just love being a mom?!

Toni Marie said...

isn't that the best when they start smiling? so sweet! :)

The Kaspers of Logan said...

Just you wait until some of that muscle perks up... she'll be twisting and turning like crazy while you change her and it will be all you can do to not get poop all over YOU and the changing table.... YAY for mommyhood!