Thursday, April 15, 2010

Catherine's baby blessing day

We got a blessed baby now! Here's a few pictures from the day. It was a beautiful day, and my dad said such powerful great things.
Sorry about the lack of posts, I'm still getting used to the mommy thing. The post-partum blues continue to haunt me, but life is doing better today. Talking really helps, imagine that. And little Catie knows how to cheer me up, she's just starting to recognize me and Jon's voice, and she gets really really mad when she has to sleep because she doesn't want to miss a thing. So, day by day, it will get better.


Toni Marie said...

oh i hate not being able to support these things because we live so far away...i miss you and i hope you're doing ok. happy to hear you got your sweet baby blessed. :) see you this summer!

Luke and Erin said...

So beautiful!

The Kaspers of Logan said...

What a beautiful family picture... you just need photoshop Annie in :)