Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Our hospital stay!

Here are a few pictures from our stay at the hospital. Working in the NICU I am in contact with the Labor and Delivery staff and the postpartum staff. I got wonderful care. I was very lucky to have such great care. I got many visitors from the NICU which was so awesome. You get a little cabin fever in that dark room, and miss the outside. So it was nice to see people, and let little Catherine stay in the nursery a few nights so I could get some sleep.
My sister came up one night to stay with me and the baby. It was so neat. My sister felt that it would be a good idea to stay so that Jon could go home with Annie, and get some rest too. She brought a movie up to watch, and even got to feed Catherine at 5am.
The visitation policy at the hospital was only people over 14 yrs old could come and visit, which meant no Kiley, Kaleb, Bella, Max, Cormick and even Grace. But they could come if they were siblings of the baby. So, with a few connections, Grace got to come visit me though. She is technically my half-daughter, so I consider her my daughter. So she got to hold Catherine. It was awesome, she was so excited to see her sister.

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