Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jon and Annie sport their new Christmas presents...

Jon's new tradition sweatshirt, from his Alma-Mater Charles M. Russell High School in Great Falls, Montana. I spent hours on this for him, and check out the back of it.

That's his old football number. CMR won the state Championship this year. So it seemed fitting for my 'super senior' hubby to have one this year. (Just kidding about the super senior thing. I think it's awesome to come from a winning football team in high school. I am jealous.)

Annie's new bed, her favorite Christmas present by far.

I never thought he would wear these, but they were a good deal online this year, so I guess crocs can be cool only if they have the Dallas Cowboy logo on them.

1 comment:

The Kaspers of Logan said...

Annie's bed looks way comfy! I showed Kirby and he wants to come try it out!