Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Day with the Hunter family!!!

Annie starts her morning off next to the heater in the bathroom. During the winter time this is by far her favorite spot in the house.

Annie's stocking opening. It was filled with all sorts of Dingo's. Her favorite treat!

Max and Cormick, jingling to their jingle bells, and anticipating what Santa left for them at Nana and Bob's house.

Oh the blessed present opening, and the annual popper hat wearing, a tradition that Steve and Steph brought back from Australia.

Cute Bella, such a big girl now.

Jon opening a present from Nana and Bob to our sweet little Catherine.

Grace loves her new 'Straberrie Shotcake' doll from Jon and Kenz.

So for my mom's present this year, I replaced the couple year old pictures of her grandkids that hang next to her piano. And of course, I win the medal for making her cry. She cried, a lot. The pictures I gave her, I had the privilege of taking them, and they are pictured below.


1 comment:

The Kaspers of Logan said...

Merry Christmas Hunters! The picutres you took of the grandkids are adorable. Nice work! No wonder you're always so busy.