Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And the verdict is...

We went to our Dr.'s appointment today. Last time we were there she said that she could give us a direction on what our baby was, boy, girl or it.
And so today, she gave us a 95% chance our large plum growing inside my belly is a BOY!

Jon heard this, and he asked the Dr. to repeat what she said. He was pretty happy. He is way excited, although he doesn't show it, but the many football lessons ahead, golf trips with his dad, Jon couldn't be happier, and neither could I.

I put a picture of our sonogram to show ya'll that no it's not a third leg, it's a boy, you get the picture.
They say that boy's make you more sick, so if that is true, then I knew it was a boy all along, but he's worth it.


The Kaspers of Logan said...

YAAAAAY for boy cousin! Kiley is so excited and can't wait to go exploring and catch bugs with her new cousin. They will be the bestest of friends! She's not into all that cry baby drama that girls stir up anyway, so she's looking forward to meeting her new buddy in March!

I bet Jon is sooo excited. Baby boy Kasper will be so sports saavy. Congrats to you, Josh and I are so happy for you. See you on Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I know TJ (and my Dad) was way excited for a boy! That's so funny what you heard about being sick because everyone said just the opposite when I was pregnant. I guess old wives tales are dependent on who tells them! Anyways we are so happy for you guys, enjoy every minute...he'll be here before you know it!

Becky said...

I was more sick with my boys-if that means anything. But actually, from that picture, it looks more like a tail to me. Good luck with that! :)

Jaclyn said...

yeah, im so excited for you. boys are so much easier and less drama. you will have a blast. i can't wait to meet him

Toni Marie said...

i never heard which gender makes you more sick when you're pregnant..i know i lost about 20 lbs w/each girl and couldn't eat anything until the 2nd tri..i hope you're starting to feel better though. it's that sick part that keeps me from going down that road again! how many weeks are you now? close to 20?

Kristen said...

Congrats to you! I am excited for you. I hope you feel better soon.