Monday, June 1, 2009

Week in review with pictures!

Just in case some of you were just sitting on the edge of your seat with how we are doing, I am finally updating our status in pictures. (I've never done that!)

Josh, Jenn, Kiley, Kaleb and Kirbster came down from Logan yesterday and we had some of Greg's (Jon's dad) famous ribs. I took a few pictures of Kiley hanging out underneath her big brother's old light play thing.

Also, on Saturday my sister and I were able to do our first show for a our business. We recently did photography and video for one of my friends Quinceanera, and we really had a lot of fun doing it. The Standard had a Quinceanera expo at Javier's in S Ogden, off of Harrison, so we were one of two photographers, hoping to get some business from that, but we will have to see.

Also, one last thing. My sister's and our BDays are coming up this week, after we went and saw the Kasper's, Jon, Annie and I went to my mom's for an informal dinner celebrating five birthdays. It is always fun to get together with both families. LOVE IT!!!!


PS My sister, Meredith if you remember her, she F-I-N-A-L-L-Y made a post on her blog. Thanks for letting us into your life again, and thanks for letting our friends and fam know that you are still living and that you still do hair but not your daughter's, I get to do it.

PPS Jenn if you are reading this I want you to know that Celine Dion is not one of my favorite singers. I was just kidding about that.


Jaclyn said...

looks like you have been busy. i hope your photo business goes awesome. i bet it will cause you do great!

The Kaspers of Logan said...

Celine Dion ROCKS!!! Crap, now I have to come up with another BDay present! I love the picture of Timber coming out of the bathroom...classic!

Kaleb loves the pictures of Bella. He gets a shy little smile on his face when he sees her.

I kind of feel like the comment about seeing both families was a sarcastic one... Maybe I'm wrong (it happened once before)!

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jon, Max, Steph, Mer and Mack! Hope I didn't forget anyone. Did you have to sing Happy BDay five times or did you roll them all in to one song?

P.P.S. I think Gracie's hair is beautiful!