Friday, June 5, 2009

My birthday! And mer's!!!

This is my favorite birthday present, I woke up my bday morning to my hubby leaving a rose on my pillow. It was such a great morning. Thank you so much for making my day honey!
We went and saw 'UP' with our family tonight, our final pic of us for the night. We are now 26!!!

We went to Tony's pizza for dinner before the movie. As always, it was great to be with our family....and not stressfull...not! But that's why we all love family!

Bella made Mer and I crowns for our BDay's thanks Izzy for thinking of us!

Our other Mother Pam gave us some gardening tips for our Birthday, it was fun. We went to the Sister's of St. Benedict Monestary in S Ogden and checked out their Utah Food Bank garden. It was awesome, I already signed up for watering duty.

Grace and Kenz at lunch today.
Even though Grace is only two, she was ready to fill out her Driver's liscence application. They denied her, but gave her a permit to drive Power Wheels. Way to go Grace!!!

Also, to top the rest of the day off, we went and saw UP with the family. It was a great movie and a good one to lift up the spirit. All in all it turned out to be a great Birthday.


BookwormMom said...

Happy birthday to one of the best girls I know!!!!

I'm glad you had a great day!!

The Kaspers of Logan said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I am glad you had a good day. So sorry to hear about your little puppy, may he rest in peace. Our pets become part of our family so I'm sure it was hard for all of you...especially after 17 years!!! Imagine what Kirby and Anie will look like when they're 17...probably grey fur and big fat beagle bellies, but still cute as ever!

Jaclyn said...

sounds like you had a blast. welcome to the other side of the birthday!

Toni Marie said...

yea birthdays!!

The Kaspers of Logan said...

When are you going to take that ugly hospital picture off your website!!!