Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Annie is Freeeee, I mean Threeeee!

Annie Kasper, born three years ago in South Ogden from the mom and dad, Copper and Ramsey. She is now three. Wow how the times pass by. It was around my birthday that year that we got Annie. We just tested out how she would do with us at Jon and my house. Although Jon is allergic to animals, including dogs, when I met him, even though I love animals I was willing to sacrifice my love of getting a dog, and raising it.
She was born at the house of Jon's mom and dads neighbor across the street. At that time, the neighborhood was surrounded with beagles. So we had been around their personalities etc for a while. When the neighbor, Kevin and his family informed us of their female beagle was pregnant we started talking about it. I was for sure it was a dream that we would take one of those puppies home. Jon's brother and his wife took home a male full bred beagle and agreed to take care of him. I was so jealous. Even though they got a brother I was so happy for them, but was so sad, I remember it was around my birthday that year and I told Jon the perfect Bday present w0uld be a puppy. I got golf balls, and golf lessons instead.
I was dissapointed but a few days passed by and he agreed that we test it out seeing if we could adopt a puppy. All it took was the first night for the both of us to fall in love, and here we are, three years later, with the light of our life.
All things turn out for the best, and I am so grateful to have a husband sacrifice his health (which I would never comprimise) and test out a dog. His allergies are great and thankfully he hasn't had to be on any shots or medication to help control his asthma or allergies. So thanks to my hubby for testing out our sweet Annie, she basically filled in the rest; love, friendship and great memories.
She is three years old in human years, but 21 in dog years. Now she is legal. We let her go out late lastnight so she could celebrate her legalness. She came back home in a taxi and was sluurrring her barks a little bit. But she's recovering well. We love you Anniekans Kasper! But keep your collar on, nobody wants to look at a bare furry neck.


The Kaspers of Logan said...

Happy Birthday Annie! Kirby can't wait to celebrate this weekend!

The Kaspers of Logan said...

What the HECK! I thought for sure you'd have some action shots posted of our super sweet B Ball game!

The Kaspers of Logan said...

Don't worry, I got the action shot of Jon covered! Super sweet!