Sunday, May 10, 2009

Finally, an update...kind of!

Happy Mother's Day out there to all of you mother's and to my fellow mother's of Beagle's. (Shout out to NEE!) Yes, I woke this morning to the best gift of all. A spoon with my furried friend, and a lot of puppy licks from my sweet Annie. I couldn't ask for a better gift, well maybe if Jon licked me, that would be better, I would make him brush his teeth first.

Anywho, Jon and I had the priviledge of traveling North last week to the city of Logan, where our new little niece, Kiley lives. She gave us a pretty boring visit though. She slept, ate, pooped, and then slept some more, but I swear I could stare at her for hours! So we took sweet Kaleb up with us so his dad and nee could save a trip to Brigham. We went to a park and played some Baseball! It was awesome fun. Jon wore his Robin Yount jersey and almost threw his back out, litterally. The pictures below will explain.

1 comment:

The Kaspers of Logan said...

What a fun visit. Kaleb loved playing BBall with everyone... except when Uncle Jon hit the ball right at his head! Kidding...we know it was an accident Jon...or was it???