Saturday, November 21, 2009

Community Champion for Children Award!!!

I received this phone call from one of my favorite people I work with, Lisa. She is a Social Worker here at McKay-Dee in the NICU, and called me about a week ago notifying me that she and her co-workers are going to give me an award for the hospital Community Champion for Children. I even got to give an acceptance speech.

I was nominated by them for my service with the non-profit organization I volunteer for called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, where we go into the hospital and provide Infant Bereavement Photography for families who have lost a baby due to different anomalies or anything that can happen. It's a volunteer service, so I come up at all hours of the day to come provide this service for the families in need. And even though it is one of the hardest things I do, it is the most rewarding. I have moments with these little Angels, a piece of Heaven on this Earth. I am so blessed to be able to share these precious moments with the parents, and their baby.

So because of this, Lisa and her collegues have given me this great honor of becoming a Community Champion. So thank you Lisa! And many thanks to the families for letting me be a part of their memories. Being pregnant, makes this so real and puts life into perspective and how precious things are, and how grateful I am to have a healthy baby, and a great family.

Here's a few pictures of the award and ceremony. Jon took these, so bear with him.



The Kaspers of Logan said...

Congratulations! I didn't know you were in such high standing in the community! I am happy to have a Champion for Children watching my little Kiley!

John and Sherri said...

Congrats! You totally deserve this- Your work is amazing and I know it really helps those families, thank you!!!

Kristen said...

Congratulations! You are doing an amazing service. I am sure you are an angel to many families.

Toni Marie said...

congrats!!!!! :)

Miss Candace said...

I have heard of that and I had no idea it was you who took the photographs. You totally deserve that award, that is amazing. I'm glad your little bambino is healthy! Hope you're feeling good.

Jaynee said...

That is just so cool, Mackenzie. Congratulations. I read about this type of service in Newsweek while I was still prego and couldn't imagine how hard that must be to do it. I'm glad you get to be a part of it. What a special gift you have. Well done!