Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kaleb and Bella hanging out, finally!

This is Kaleb and I at the WSU game this past Sat. We are wearing our matching VIP passes.

For Jon's dad's bday we celebrated at Boccia's in N. Ogden. It was delicious, Josh and Jen came down and we got to pick up Kaleb and meet them there, Jon and I also got to take Bella with us. They had a fun time. I thought that they wouldn't have anything to talk about, but in fact they couldn't stop talking the whole time. They are so grown up. Thanks Nee for bringing you camera and taking some way cute pics of the two 'Love-Birds'.

1 comment:

The Kaspers of Logan said...

Cute pictures! Kaleb and Bella have fun together, they need to play more often.... under adult supervision! How's that baby boy doing?