Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mr. President, We love you! (At least Jon and Mackenzie do)

Hail to the Chief! We have a new President! In case you haven't heard or have been living under a rock for the past month, our new President Barack Obama is a man we can be proud of. I can't remember a President being so more celebrated, and well recieved. I am proud to be an American, and am happy to be a part of this piece of history. My favorite part of the whole Inaugural day was when he danced his first dance as Pres. with his wife Michelle. How tender that moment was. It was a very feel good about America moment.

1 comment:

Miss Candace said...

I'm with you. Erik and I were saying that we don't even usually hear about the inauguration and this year it was everywhere. I am so excited for a new era and I am hoping the best for Pres. Obama. His priorities are the american people and I love it! Cheers!