Monday, November 26, 2007

Kaleb's in the house!

Here are some pictures during Thanksgiving. We went ice skating while Kaleb was here. We love you Kaleb!


Becky said...

Mackenzie!!! WE are long lost friends, huh? Man, I miss you! I'm glad you found my blog and that you have one too! Way cute pics! So how have you been? What's new in your life? Are you still at McKay Dee? Well, in case you don't have my email, it's! Love ya.

Tiffany said...

Great site Kenz! Thanks for letting us know about it. We'll check back often. Tiff

Luke and Erin said...

I got your site off of Meredith's, hope you don' mind. Ours is check it out and leave a comment! Love your blog, very cute! I hope we can keep in touch!