Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Halloween 2011

So, I have decided to FINALLY update the good ol' blog once and for all. And instead of trying to play catch up, I am just going to start where we've been lately. A now 21 month old makes it hard to keep it updated and working a full-time job and a couple side jobs makes it near impossible for me to be a wife and mom let alone, a person who updates the blog regularly.

Halloween this year was Catie's first actually going to the door and taking candy, it was sure darling. She has been in this Elmo obsession for the last few months so we saw it fitting to have her be none other than Elmo for Halloween. She was the cutest Elmo on the earth, possibly cuter than that little red guy himself.

We started off the night going to see Granny Pam and Gpa Scott. She just woke up from her nap so she was a little crabby. She got the best Treat from Granny Pam. Then we went out to my sisters to go trick-or-treating with Grace and had a blast. She thought it was the coolest thing that she could take some candy from strangers and then run off. I guess we have a lot to teach her in the next few years, but for now she loved it.
 This was at Nana's Halloween party the day before. Her very own Halloween house.
 Daddy and Elmo!
 Granny Pam, Crabby Catie and GPa Scott! (She loved her treat, thank you!)
 This is right before we went out to trick or treat. Grace is Michael Jackson (my very talented sis made this jacket) and of course Elmo.

 Mommy and Elmo!
 Mer and a very tired MJ
 Catherine had to come show off her treats to Nana first thing.
Can I have the whole bag of candy instead?
This is a video of Catherine at her first trick or treat door, so cute.

1 comment:

Toni Marie said...

'Elmo' sure is cute!! Glad you all had fun trick or treating..
Grace as Michael Jackson cracks me up!!!
btw- i'll be in UT for christmas..we need to hang out again! :)