Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I swallowed a baseball in my sleep...must be because the Yankees won today.


Yes folks, yesterday I was in the most absolutely worst pain of my life, I have had two root canals on two teeth within the past 2 months and one of the root canals went super bad, super fast. Nothing helped, I went to the dentist got an anti-biotic and some special pain meds and nothing would work. I got to the point that I was considering pulling my own tooth like they do in the movies, tie a string at the end your tooth and then to the door and then slam the door. 

I didn't get to bed until 4am because I couldn't sleep with that much pain. I woke up and had this on the side of my cheek. A baseball size infection on the right side of my face. And it feels great :) (Not really!) I called my dentist and got put on a heavier anti-biotic, and the pain is a little less today.

I guess why I am posting this on my blog is that I have a Halloween photo shoot this friday for my friends and family and I am going to have to post-pone it until next Friday, October 29th. I have a dentist appointment that morning and am not going to be up to much that day. I might even have to go to an oral surgeon to figure out what is going on. 

So I apologize to everyone, but I can make arrangements if people want me to. Call me and let me know what works best.  Thanks!


1 comment:

The Kaspers of Logan said...

OWIE! That sucks, I hope the dentist can figure out what's going on and make you feel better... can you say, "Percocet"?